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Reddit r/place event you can't afford to miss in 2023

r/place is a Reddit page called "subreddit" where the community collaborates to convert a blank canvas into pixel art.


What is Reddit?

Reddit is a social media platform for discussing the latest news and events. The pages on Reddit are called a subreddit or communities. You can find viral videos, memes, news, etc. People come here to take relationship, legal or health advice by joining their respective communities.


Let's get back to r/place community discussion. So back in 2017, this event started on April Fools' Day and then repeated again in 2022 on the same day.

Now in 2023, it's being repeated for the 3rd time, and users are having a go at it. Some communities created discord to plan and create complex art, country flags, famous symbols, etc.

Here is some of the memes and com



Some exciting memes shared in the community

If you plan to participate these are rules which you must follow, taken directly from the community page.

  • r/place is for human collaboration. Automated activity is subject to removal.

  • Be creative, have fun, and give everyone room to create on the canvas.

  • Participate in good faith. r/place is a SFW community and comments, posts, and pixels should add to the overall experience, not to subtract from it.

  • Remember the human by abiding by r/place’s community rules and following Reddit’s Content Policy. Targeted hate or harassment of private individuals (including mods and admin) and protected groups are violations of our policy (Rule 1) and will be removed. In addition, posts, comments, and imagery that are hateful, graphic, sexually explicit, and/or offensive are violations of our policy (Rule 6) and will be removed.

Wars happening to grab pieces of the canvas and some rant

Then there is VOID, destroying art on the canvas, oh man its a blood bath out there

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